Have to say, it's been a very long while since I've posted on my blog, partly due to the craziness which is my life and partly because I haven't had much to say. I still don't have much to say.
I've read many books that I've forgotten, I've seen many of the summer blockbuster films which weren't worthy to review. Haven't this year's summer movies been a tad mediocre? A couple were good, The Avengers and Hunger Games I liked enough. I refused to watch the Hunger Games until I read the book. I was a bit late to jump on the Hunger Games bandwagon after my disappointment with Twilight, but I thoroughly enjoyed the book, well the first chapter at least and then everything after page 130. The movie exceeded my expectations, thank god! It's been so long since I read and watched the movie, I won't waste my time reviewing either, but read it and go see it.
My life changed completely, for the better of course. After years dealing with layoffs, department restructuring and part-time and freelance work in Public Relations, I'm teaching again. It's what I enjoy doing. I learned that, yes, I had the best of both worlds, but one fits better into my lifestyle. I learned that I don't have to give up the things that I love. I can still blog, still do a little bit of Public Relations freelance work, and I can still be a social media guru! I learned that I am resilient, strong and am capable of many things. Life is good right now, I just need to take care of myself, lose some weight, get in shape, and try to be a little more laid back. Things work out in the end, sometimes it takes going back to where it all began. Am I a success? Right now I think so!
Have a great start of the summer (at least it's my start). I look forward to what the future has in store for me!
Unfortunately I had nothing to review, so I have no Gerber Daisies to give out. As usual I have quotes, three to be exact, all on the topic of success.
The world belongs to the enthusiast who keeps cool, William McFee, English engineer and writer
Though a tree grow ever so high, the falling leaves return to the root, Malay Proverb
You always pass a failure on the way to success, Mickey Rooney, American actor and entertainer