My husband will tell you that I am a bitter, angry person, but in the same sentence he'll tell me that he loves me. What he doesn't know is that I love lots of things.
I love my family
I love my friends, old and new.
I love my animals, Sammy and Mia
I love my husband (also a part of my family) although he may not know it.
I love being happy (although I feel as if I can't be too happy because anything can happen and the bottom may fall out from under me at any time.)
I love yoga
I love to TALK LOL
I love to text
I love words like FYI, LOL, LMAO, OMG and I try to use them in my daily vocabulary
I loved teaching
I love to read, don't judge, I'm a book nerd, so what
I love day spas
I love Los Angeles, Hollywood, Burbank, Long Beach, the South Bay (Hermosa, Redonodo, etc.)
I love Massachusetts, New York, New Orleans, Hawaii
I love date night
I love my job
I love making MY OWN $$
I love cars
I love presents
I love celebrity gossip, don't judge, I bet you like juicy gossip too
I love history, remember those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it
I love music
I love to sleep
I love salt
I love movies, all of them (LOL ok so I haven't seen all the movies, but I have too many that I love, to list)
I love wine (tasting and in moderation. There is nothing wrong with a glass once and a while. Red is especially good for the blood)
I love shows like, Friends, Buffy, Angel, Charmed, Roswell, Vampire Diaries, Desperate Housewives, This Is Us, Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, DC Legends of Tomorrow, Once Upon a Time and the Real Housewives of the OC.
I love social media
I love comedy
I love sarcasm
I love to travel, but hate to fly??
I love clothes
I love shoes
I love make-up
I love to one day have kids of my own
I love to sleep (didn't I say that earlier).
I think that this is where I'm going to end my post. I'm very tired and I do say that I love to sleep. I think that for many of us, it's hard to express out true feelings and that's very OK. I have a hard time with it, so I write a blog about it, go figure?? I wouldn't say that I'm an optimistic person, but I'm not a pessimist either. I would classify me as more of a realist. I think that, I think logically. I'm not asking you to agree with me 100% of the time, just most of the time.
Love ya lots!!
PS I love that I'm no longer an Unemployed Real OC Housewife, I'm just a Real OC Housewife and that's a lovely feeling!!
Is it finally formatted correctly?